Myopia is also called near-sightedness or short-sightedness. Myopia sufferers have difficulty viewing distant objects.
Near-sightedness is one of the most common eye conditions worldwide.
It is a vision condition in which people can see close objects clearly, but objects farther away appear blurred. People with Myopia typically see well enough to read a book or computer screen but struggle to see objects farther away.
Sometimes people with undiagnosed Myopia have headaches and eyestrain from struggling to focus on objects in the distance.
Myopia most commonly is a progressive eye disorder that continues to worsen year after year.
Myopia occurs when the eye grows too long from front to back.
As light passes through the eye’s lens and is bent or is refracted. The lens of the eye, which normally focuses the image directly on the retina (the light receptive layer at the back of the eye) falls a little short instead of directly on the retina. This is called a refractive error.
Myopia also can result from a cornea (the eye’s outermost layer) that is too curved for the length of the eyeball or a lens that is too thick.
Although the tendency to develop myopia may be inherited, its actual development may be affected by how an individual uses his or her eyes.
People who spend considerable time reading, working at a computer, or doing other intense close-up visual work may be more likely to develop Myopia.
Your ophthalmologist may use several procedures to measure how the eyes focus light and to determine the power of any optical lenses needed to correct the reduced vision.
As part of the testing, the orthoptist and/or ophthalmologist will perform
This measures visual acuity, written as a fraction, such as 6/12 or 20/40. Normal distance visual acuity is 6/6 or 20/20, although some people may have “better” vision (6/5 or 20/15).
There are two common types of Myopia these are:
High Myopia - or Severe Myopia can be associated with potentially serious side effects. Normally, an eye is considered to have High Myopia if it requires - 6.0 diopters or more of lens correction.
Progression of high myopia usually occurs during childhood but can continue into early adult years. Patients with High Myopia significantly increases the risk of:
Pathological Myopia - Pathological Myopia sometimes occurs in eyes with High Myopia, when the excessive elongation of the eye causes changes in the retina, choroid, vitreous (the gel-like substance that fills the centre of the eye), sclera (outer white coating of the eye) and/or the optic nerve.
Pathological Myopia symptoms typically first appear in childhood and usually worsen during adolescence and adulthood.
Common symptoms of Myopia are:
Conventionally, Myopia can usually be corrected with prescription glasses or contact lenses.
Complications that occur can usually be treated, including:
Extensive research has proven the benefits of low dose Atropine to treat of Myopia progression in children. The decision as to whether Atropine will be of benefit will be made after assessment by our Ophthalmologists. Additional testing may be required for patients who commence Low dose Atropine - this will be at an additional cost to consultation fees.
Where Myopia has progressed, or a patient prefers not to rely on glasses, they may be suitable for surgery. Two surgeries that can treat Myopia are:
Your ophthalmologist will review your condition and needs and advise you on the best-suited surgical approach to treat your Myopia.
If left untreated, Myopia can reduce the quality of life by limiting activities able to be performed.
Other effects can include ongoing eye strain, headaches, difficulty driving, ongoing costs for corrective lenses, eye exams and medical treatments and possible loss of income.
Clinical issues can include an increased risk of retinal detachment, glaucoma, cataracts and myopic maculopathy.
Specialist medical and surgical eye care for adults and children for eye disease management
Telephone: (02) 9868 2333
Fax: (02) 9876 4359
Address: 40 Essex St. Epping NSW 2121